Reflections on " Experimental rejection of observer-independence in the quantum world " and an updated version " Experimental test of local observer-independence ". Are we quantum mechanical or not? This paper basically proves that the famous Schrodinger's cat experiment , which says the cat is a quantum mechanical wave function is correct. The cat is actually in an entangled state which means the cat is alive and dead at the same time. That's pretty weird! But we an make it even weirder! Imagine, if you will, [1] that you are taking the place of Schrodinger's cat. We don't want to kill you so we'll modify the experiment in line with Deutsch's proposal and Wigner's interpretation. [2] The experiment performed above is exactly Deutsch's proposal and the result is that yes, you as the observer are in a superposition of quantum states. What is you in that previous statement? You only ever remember one set of events. You never have
The Scientific Method applied to groups of People
“But what…is it good for?” – Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968 (commenting on the microchip).
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