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Showing posts from 2018

Free Will: What others have thought about it in the past...

The evolution of thought around free will: God : You think therefore you have sinned. Plato : I think I can imagine what is. Renes Descartes : I think therefore I am. Hobbes : I think we're better off together. Adam Smith : We are better off together. Charles Darwin : I think I selected you because you think. Elvis : I think I love you. Mick Jagger : I think I can't get no satisfaction. Pink Floyd : I think it's just one more brick in the wall. Richard Nixon : I think I am not a crook. Daniel Dennett : I think I think therefore I think. Sam Harris : I think therefore I am not really thinking. Christopher Hitchens : I think therefore I need no god. Richard Dawkins : I think because it gives me more descendants. Donald Trump : I think I'm a very smart person Scott Adams: I don't think, I just do. I have no free will... so I can be an a$$hole. It's not my fault! I can't help myself.

Free Will: Do You Have It?

Does it even make sense to ask the question?  What if Free Will didn't exist? What difference would it make? What would be different in the real world?  Would we change punishments as people aren't responsible for their actions? Would more people 'give up' changing themselves? If there's really no free will, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. But since I am going to make my life have meaning and matter, I think that means there is Free Will. The people who don't believe in Free Will have nothing, nothing to support them.  They look for support for their ideas in the most amazing places and purposely work to refute anything that mismatches what was once written in a book. Some try to have current interpretations of  'religious' thought.  Religions assume Free Will. That's one thing we agree on. The Newtonians don't. They think that because we have equations that explain what happens next depending on what is happening now, that everything i

Proclamations of the Final Great Awakening of the Human Race: The Religion with No Name

0. The Supernatural does not exist. Nature exists. Everything has a cause. Humans have souls. 1. Why would the human race base their lives upon a set of scratchings of paleolithic ancestors that barely knew how to reason and write? 2. Facts can be written down, but facts change, capabilities change, progress happens. Why would one assume that facts don't change unless it is to propagate their control and to selfishly increase it? 3. Science is the basis for determining new knowledge of the rules of the game. History still occurs and may be unknowable, but how to react to history is up to you. 4. Reason is the method to determine your actions and your goals. 5. Faith must be examined in the presence of every new fact. 6. Why would you let something as important as your life go unexamined? 7. Why would you let someone guide your life without examination of thier motives? 8. The Great Works include, but are not limited to: the death of Evolution by Natural Selection, the Gilga

Hilbert space has no physical extent or extent in time. Quantum wave functions live in Hilbert space.

Hilbert space has no physical extent or extent in time. Quantum wave functions live in Hilbert space. This means that when you change a parameter in Hilbert space it changes everywhere at the same time. Every single entangled wave function now sees the same modified Hilbert space at the same time. The changes in Hilbert space are transmitted at infinite speed, apparently (It's actually worse than that: if you set up the experiment correctly you can get the Hilbert space to affect particles in the past. Yes, you can change the distribution of measurements on an entangled particle by making another measurement in the future, after the first particle is gone, absorbed in a detector. [1]) It really is like Einstein said: if you think you understand quantum mechanics then you just haven't been paying attention enough! Quantum mechanical wave functions are weirder than anyone thought they were and they were plenty weird before. Einstein, et al. defined how physical theories work,